
Here we describe the Community category. It sits in the **O N G O I N G - Deliberations** segment of the forum - It's the responsibility of `Community circle`.

**Community** category contains `Community circle` stuff: *formaciĆ³n* - developing organisers' collective capability in the wider community. Notably in hosted venue spaces like comons.hour

- Solidarity/mutuality - a sector of the wider community - To be added xxx - Coop-commons economy - a sector of the wider community - To be added xxx - Toolstack - a sector of the wider community - To be added xxx - Design justice - Tools for conviviality - To be added xxx - Social relations - Altered social relations in the cooop-commons economy 'the conversations business' of, formaciĆ³n - To be added xxx

- commons.hour sessions notices & post-session materials - are posted in Reportage / commons.hour sessions