Here we describe the platform spaces provisioned by, internally and externally.
The basic framework arises from 'the trinity' of core digital tools required by distributed organisers, described by Rich Bartlett & Nati Lombardo. Trinity
This has been elaborated by Guerrilla Translations into a Trinity/Stack/Deck classification, required for 'serious' collboration involving projects, outcomes and some kind of formal or informal political economy of contributions. And this has been condensed into an extended trinity by mike hales. Extended trinity
The toolstack provisioned within - the 'platform commons' - furnishes affordances for two broad collectives: internal actors (the coop's Ops members and Board members) and external actors (the coop's User members, and members of the wider community). The same tools are used across both collectives, but with additional tools for internal use (notably furnished within the NextCloud toolset).

Discourse is a workhorse app. It's used to run the forum (which includes announcements and news, how-to pages and discussion threads) and the handbook. As the core asynchronous text-based media space, Discourse is a pivotal platform for Thus it figures several times in the toolstack schema. This makes the category structure within Discourse a pivotal framework for collaborating in See Revised structure