Here we display the original structure of categories in the Discourse forum, evolved from June 2020 to July 2022.
Support & feedback - members' reports - now Help / Fault reporting in the forum - support desk - now Help / Contact@ support desk
Updates - now Help / Status updates OR Help / Coop announcements
Decisions - now Stwarding / Votes & polls - Approved - Rejected
Events - now Reportage / Public events
The remaining categories are based on the four Circles of
Org circle - org circle - now residual? Check this xxx - staff - now included in The contribution economy / Contributions - operational membership - now included in The contribution economy / Members of OR The contribution economy / Contributions - grants - now The contribution economy / Grants etc - strategic debates - now The contribution economy / Sustainability - handbook - now Handbook - Board of stewards - now Stewarding / Board of stewards - Board internal- now included in Stewarding / Board of stewards - sustainability strategy - now [[The contribution economy / Sustainability
Product circle - growing community - ?? - network participation - ?? xxx - sustainability - now The contribution economy / Sustainability - strategic - now The contribution economy / Sustainability - design - now Product / Brand design (logo, website) - translations (plural language) - expressions of interest - now Product / Expressions of interest - documentation - now Product / UX
Community circle - solidarity/mutuality - now Community / Solidarity/mutuality - coop economy - now Community / Coop-commons economy - toolstack - now Community / Toolstack - commons.hour - now in Reportage / commons.hour sessions - commons.hour specials - now in Reportage / commons.hour sessions - announcements - now in Help / Coop announcements
Tech circle - architecture - systems
