Categories & tags

Here we describe two overview frames in Discourse, oriented to topic areas and to enquiry perspectives, respectively.

# Categories Categories (and subcategories) identify the **topic area** of a thread or family of threads in Discourse, within the frame of stewardship and provisioning in (notably, Circles). Revised structure

# Tags Tags identify the kind of **enqury perspective** catered for in a thread, according to: - **Membership tags** - which kind of member is interested: `user, ops, board, entire community` - **Circle** tags - which Circle(s) is (are) interested: `tech, org, product, community, Board` - **Spaces** tags - which kind of space are we interested in : `platform spaces, media spaces, venue spaces` - **Timeframe tags** - interest lies in the shorter term (`now`), the longer term (`stewarding`) or ongoing deliberation (`comment`) - **Commons principles** - interested in the ethics, social relations and political economy of commons. These more or less mirror the subcategories of `Handbook`. - **Outcome tags** - interested in votes or polls, and their outcomes

Discourse plugins for handling categories & tags - To be added xxx