Forum categories

Here we develop and experiment with a system of categories for the forum and handbook.

Our aim is to to furnish fluently navigable routes into a diverse mix of digital media held within the workhorse tool framework of Discourse, for several identified kinds of members in the digital commons of In other words, we focus here on UX for's digitally mediated media spaces.

Original structure of categories in Discourse Revised structure of categories, July 2022 Categories & tags - Tags provide frames to overlay on topic areas.

Discourse plugins for handling categories and tags - To be added xxx toolstack - The platform spaces provisoned by, internally and externally

Members of - Relationships of various kinds of members with the commons. This bears on the *kinds of access* that need to be facilitated in the forum media space. - To be added xxx Circles - the internal sociocratic organisation of operational contribution in This bears on the responsibility for *listening in* and contributing to deliberations in the forum. - To be added xxx

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